I found it one of the most stimulating weeks of my life in photography. Weather around the morning seminar table or the various dining tables, the conversations were always open-minded, imaginative and great fun. Many genuine friendships were forged. I hope the next iteration lived up to your expectations. It exceeded mine (not that I really knew what to expect!)

David Campany, Curator

I am so appreciative of the time we had together with the Todi Circle and I’ve been lucky enough to follow up with several participants including Yasufumi [Nakamori] and Holly [Roussell]. And I’m sure more connections that were made will emerge as we go along.

Liz Armstrong, Curator

I think what you do is great, an opportunity for people in the industry to broader their way of thinking.

Bruno Ceschel, Publisher

What a week! Many inspiring things have been said and I am convinced that this week will have a meaningful impact on the way I deal with my archive in the coming years and decades. 

Thomas Sauvin, Collector & Visual Artist

After a totally uneventful trip home, I woke up and found that I was really missing the stimulating conversations we had all shared. An extraordinary experience called Todi.

Peter McGill, Gallerist

It was truly lovely meeting everyone, and I look forward to connecting with each of you again soon.

Yasufumi Nakamori, Curator

I’ve thought a lot about Todi since leaving there. It was truly one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had in a long time. As I’ve tried to explain it to friends on my return, it was a bit like summer camp—probably not an analogy that Mario would like!—but one where the food and the housing were much better! Like camp, we were thrown together with a group of people we largely didn’t know but who all shared a similar passion. And we talked, openly and honestly, often with great insight—and it seemed to me without much or any of the usual snide critique that happens at conferences or other professional gatherings—about that shared passion.

Sarah Greenough, Curator 

It truly was a remarkable experience, sharing views and perspectives in such a constraint-free setting. A very big thanks to all of you, and especially to the TODI team who makes this happen year after year. 

Danae Panchaud, Cuator

I am missing this space, so many great conversations.

Rose Shoshana, gallerist

I am sure the future events will be a huge success, as are all of your incredible Todi gatherings. Please keep me posted about future get togethers !

Mary Delmonico, Publsiher

I have only the best memories of our week in Todi. If you should ever re-consider that no-return-rule, let me know!!

Robert Morat, Gallerist

I thought our discussions were spirited, thanks so much for inviting me to Todi, so many stimulating colleagues. I’m still thinking it out and hope to have further contact with them.

Max Kozloff, Critic

It was a GREAT event and thanks for inviting me. Happy to help Todi with anything, any time.

Sandy Phillips, Curator

You’re invited a great group of people — I was kind of shocked at how easily we all hit it off. It was the perfect mix of serious discussions and silly banter. I feel like I came away with many new friendships and the new perspective and respect for the difficult work so many are doing on behalf of the medium. It’s easy to become cloistered in your own universe, and the opportunity to have in-depth conversations and meet people in a meaningful way was like no other I have experienced.

Katy Grannan, Photographer & Filmmaker

I had a terrific week, not just because of the great food and wine, accommodation and scenery, but most of all for the tremendous company and conversations throughout. The opportunity to spend a week with people at the top of their fields was illuminating and helped demystify many aspects of the photography world. Aside from the professional value of a week like this, I left Todi with great affection for everyone in the group and I’m pretty sure it helped forge lasting friendships.

Mishka Henner, Visual Artist 

Lots to reflect upon, but without doubt the unexpected highlight of the experience was the sheer fun of the group dynamic. Even the bus rides were crazy silly and fun and yes, maybe a bit wine-fuelled obnoxious. Whatever else I may come away with, and I think there will be plenty I simply have had not that much fun in years.

Richard Misrach, Photographer

Last week was nothing short of extraordinary. I’m still processing everything that happened, and I anticipate that I’ll be doing so for a long time to come.

Joshua Chuang, Curator

Just to tell you how ‘cold turkey’ it feels not to be with our amazing tiny circle group tonight! No great conversations, excursions and wonderful meals. What I want to say is, thank you so much for this amazing experience, your enthusiasm to bring this group together and your hospitality. Will be remembering this.

Marloes Krijinen, Director Museum

The Todi Circle…. What can I say? Amazing seems to be the first word that pops into my head, so I’ll settle for that. It was an extraordinary experience and a real privilege to be among a group of cultured, entertaining, intelligent, witty and forthright people I know there are a bunch of ideas some mirror glimmers right now the other is more fully formed that came out of conversations, typically on the bus or at lunch with a drink in her hands, all of which gives me something tangible to follow up on. But even without that, it was just marvellous to sit, listen to and talk with the group. I’ve come away feeling both refreshed, relaxed, and creatively energised.

Andrew Sanigar, Publisher

I’m not quite sure how to thank you for what turned out to be a truly substantive, nourishing, and actually enjoyable week. I could string a list of laudatory adjectives from Todi to Rome in praise of your concept of the tiny circle and your curatorial skills in choosing our group group of people who click so effortlessly on every level and convert so thoughtfully and respectively. Oh, and did I mention the fine accommodations and the quality of the food and the beautiful rolling hills and amusing social evenings? Ultimately I am so appreciative of your invitation to begin with and have a week so very well spent I left with ideas pin bowling around my brain and A number of wonderful new professional acquaintances.

Philip Gefter, Author, Critic

When I received the invitation, it seemed part fantasy part two amazing to be true… And now that I’ve been to the symposium and back I can say anything I could’ve imagined was surpassed many times over by the experience. I honestly don’t know how I can begin to thank you and the supporters of the Todi Circle. My friends and family have asked me, what is it what you expected, and my answer is always, it was beyond what I expected. Wow. It opened up my mind on ways that I did not anticipate. In my 35 year career in the auction business, I never experienced anything like the week I spent with a tiny circle. The world of ideas, with no obligations of strings attached is a world that I had pretty much forgotten existed. Our discussions, led by you, have set me off in all directions. The people in the setting remarkable. The week was one of the best and most enjoyable of my life. That is not an exaggeration.

Denise Bethel, Auctioneer

The intellectual part of the trip is nevertheless needless to say excellent. What a fully didn’t expect his help giving a generous everything was is. I came home feeling inspired and empowered.

Mimi Chun, Gallerist

Thanks for the extraordinarily generous invitation and thanks for three inspired days. I have no doubt all of us will be truly about this for a long thinking about this for a long time to come.

Jeffrey Fraenkel, Gallerist

Thanks again for inviting me to be part of the tiny circle. Not only did I make new friends and consider new ideas, I think I’ve gotten a new retirement goal – Umbria!

Britt Salvesen, Curator

I count the Todi experience as in my top so would be happy to come back…

Anne Tucker, Curator

Todi is still fresh in my mind. What a wonderful experience! Again, I cannot thank you enough for including me in 30. What you are doing is very special and will have a tremendous impact on the photography community.

Chris McCall, Curator

Great company, wonderful accommodation, incredible lunches and dinners and perfect weather I know very well how much advance planning it takes to make everything so effortlessly. So a tip of the hat to you and the Todi crew.

Chris Phillips, Curator

Your ears must be ringing constantly as I described my great experience to friends, family and colleagues. Thank you for including me in your marvellous Todi Circle and for your remarkable feat of organising and leading us. You’ve engineered valuable connections and knocked some ideas into our collective photo consciousness for which we must all be so grateful.

Katy Homans, Designer

I keep returning in my mind to the four delightful, unreal, and reaching days spent at Todi in such wonderful company. It was great experience, one that I will cherish. A huge thank you for conceiving the project and for being such a graceful and effective master of ceremonies.

Philippe Garner, Autioneer, Collector, Curator

It was a great pleasure and honour to be part of the Todi circle. Everything we did was fine and excellent. The places, the hospitality, the logistics, the food, all the friendships and guests there! Even the weather which you booked! Really really really nice, congratulations!

Urs Stahel, Curator

The Todi Circle has been a very intense and nourishing experience, both metaphorically and literally!

Francesca Fabiani, Curator

I think you did a superb job. This group has diverse interests and expectations and nothing was there not a single thorn, but everyone was a rose, sharp and likeable. The setting could not have been more awesome, the food more gloriously fattening, the friends lovely, the afternoon trips quite grand…

Vicky Goldberg, Critic

So sometimes in the middle of the night I jerk awake from a dream of a delicious midday Umbrian meal! Thanks for great memories.

Teju Cole, Critic, Photographer

Congratulations! I’ve what I’ve heard has been a very good Todi week. The reports from my pals there have been glowing. I heard good things about tidy this year from Katy Homans and Chris McCall. I continue to think about Todi during my travels and suggest everyone consider it a worthwhile endeavour.

Jeffrey Fraenkel, Gallerist

it was a great event and thanks for inviting me. Happy to help you with anything, any time.

Sandra Phillips. Curator

The whole of Todi was quite a revelation. Thank you for including me.

Martin Barnes, Curator


I have to thank you all for this great opportunity you gave me to attend Todi, and share all my interests and get all the feedback I needed to hear from all of you Fellows of Todi 2019. I’ll not say goodbye, but hasta la vista.

Pedro Slim, Collector

Such an amazing event where the environment, the people and the food and drink were all outstanding. Congrats! I enjoyed it thoroughly and only regretted having to leave early. Jeffrey said an interesting thing on the last night I was there – he said “usually when this many people get together there is at least one that gets on your nerves – couldn’t think of one in this group”. There you go!!

Ed Burtynsky, Photographer

It was, to fall back on a cliche, a once in a lifetime experience–and it gave me my first opportunity to spend some time in Rome. . You know that Ljubodrag Andric drove Chris McCall, Francesca, Meg, and I to Rome that day, where Francesca gave us a fast tour of MAXXI and then arranged to meet us again that night and give us another breakneck tour of various piazzas, churches, and fountains before going to a restaurant he liked a short walk from my hotel. So the Todi Circle continued for a while in Rome, and I’m sure there will be ripples out for some years to come. Thanks for making these connections possible.

Vince Aletti, Critic, Collector

Great time I/we had in Todi. I will never forget these days and all the people we were together with there! A great experience! I am currently carefully editing down my “numerous” pictures and will upload them to you on the weekend. 

Markus Hartmann, Publsiher