Note: as our people move ahead, and around, they may well have come to Todi from one institution but on their way to another. This list contains all the places people have worked previously to Todi, while at Todi, and then since. And as people wear different hats, the list is certainly incomplete.

Also, a small number of places mentioned are associated with guests who are committed for the future(*).

Not for sharing publicly at this time / Updated May 2024.

2012 through 2024 (with 2025 planned)




universities & colleges


festivals / fairs/ awards

foundations / auction houses

Note: as our people move ahead, and around, they may well have come to Todi from one institution but on their way to another. This list contains all the places people have worked previously to Todi, while at Todi, and then since. And as people wear different hats, the list is certainly incomplete.

Also, a small number of places mentioned are associated with guests who are committed for the future(*).

Not for sharing publicly at this time / Updated May 2024.

2012 through 2024 (with 2025 planned)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
J.Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm
Museum of Contemporary Art, Buenos Aires
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
National Gallery of Art, Washington
National Gallery of South Africa, Cape Town
Fotomuseum Winterthur
International Center of Photography, New York
Pier 24, San Francisco
FOAM, Amsterdam
Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Center for Creative Photography, Tucson
Centre de la Photographie, Geneva
Archive of Modern Conflict, London
Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego
MAST, Arts, Experience & Technology, Bologna
Folkwang Museum, Essen
Kunsthaus, Zurich
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
MAXXI National Museum of 21st Century Art, Rome
Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Peabody-Essex Museum, Salem*
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing and Shanghai
Museum of Fine Arts, Le Locle
Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne
The Museum of the city of Warsaw
Camera, Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin
MASI – Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana – Lugano 
Le Bal, Paris *
Morgan Library *
Hans Kraus Gallery, New York
Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco
Pace MacGill, New York
Priska Pasquer, Cologne
Matthew Marks, New York
Persons Projects, Helsinki
Rose Gallery, Santa Monica
Stevenson Gallery, Cape Town
Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York
Blindspot, Hong Kong
Pekin Fine Arts, Beijing
Silk Road Gallery, Tehran
Leo Xu, Shanghai
Thomas Zander, Cologne
Robert Morat, Berlin
Anca Poterasu Gallery, Bucharest
James Danziger Gallery, L.A. / New York*
Aperture, New York
Nazraeli Press, Seattle
Thames & Hudson, London
Hatje Cantz, Stuttgart
Allemandi Publishing, London
Xavier Barral, Paris
Prestel Books, New York
Self Publish, Be Happy, London
ABC Book Cooperative, Berlin
10 x 10 Photobooks, New York
Delmonico Books, New York
Loose Joints, Marseille*
Universities and Colleges
Princeton University, New Jersey
Kingston University, London
Cambridge University, Centre for Existential Risk
University of Westminster, London
School of Visual Arts, New York
Art Academy, Zurich
Camberwell College of Arts, London
University of the Arts, London
École cantonale d’art de Lausanne
University of Hartford, Connecticut
San Diego State University
University of Brighton
University of the Arts, London
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
The New Yorker, New York
The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
FOAM Magazine, Amsterdam
The Art Newspaper, London; Journal de l’Art; Giornale dell’Arte
Fotomexico, Mexico City
New Delhi Festival
Altitude 100+, Le Locle
Lagos Photo Festival, Nigeria
Factum Arte, London
Maphre Foundation, Madrid
Canopia, Madrid
Candlestar, London
Cape Farewell Project, London
Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis
Foundation for Department of Photography and Media Art, London
Pilara Foundation, San Francisco
FEP (Foundation for the Exhibition of Photogaphy), Minneapolis, Paris, Lausanne
MUUS Collection, New York
 Lee Miller Estate, London*
The Image Center, Toronto*
Scotiabank Award, Toronto
Prix Pictet, Geneva
Syngenta Prize, Basel
Photo London
Paris Photo
Photo L.A.
Auction houses
Sotheby’s, New York
Christie’s, New York
Christie’s, London


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Victoria & Albert Museum, London

National Gallery of South Africa, Capetown

Fotomuseum Winterthur

International Center of Photography, New York

Pier 24, San Francisco

FOAM, Amsterdam

Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Center for Creative Photography, Tucson

Archive of Modern Conflict, London,Toronto

Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego

MAST, Arts, Experience & Technology, Bologna

Folkwang Museum, Essen

Kunsthaus Zurich

Centre Pompidou, Paris

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

MAXXI National Museum of 21st Century Art, Rome

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Los Angeles County Museum

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing

Museum of Fine Arts, Le Locle, Switzerland

Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne


Hans Kraus Gallery, New York

Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco

Priska Pasquer, Cologne

Matthew Marks, New York

Rose Gallery, Santa Monica

Stevenson Gallery, Johannesburg, Cape Town.

Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Blindspot, Hong Kong

Pekin Fine Arts, Beijing

Silk Road Gallery, Tehran

Leo Xu, Shanghai

Thomas Zander, Cologne

Robert Morat, Berlin


Aperture, New York

Nazraeli Press, Seattle

Thames & Hudson, London

Hatje Cantz, Stuttgart

Allemandi Publishing, London

Xavier Barral, Paris

Prestel Books, New York

Self Publish, Be Happy, London

ABC Book Cooperative, Berlin

10 x 10 Books, New York


Katy Homans, New York


Princeton University, New Jersey

Kingston University, London

University of Westminster, London

School of Visual Arts, New York

Art Academy, Zurich

Camberwell College of Arts,

University of the Arts London,

École cantonale d’art de Lausanne.

University of Hartford, Connecticut

San Diego State University

University of Brighton

University of the Arts, London

University of Southern California


The New Yorker, New York

The New York Times, New York

The Art Newspaper, London

Wall Street Journal, New York

FOAM Magazine, Amsterdam


Foto Mexico, Mexico City / Puebla

New Delhi Festival

Alt. +1000, Jura Mountains (Switzerland)


Photo London

Paris Photo

Photo L.A.


Scotiabank Award, Toronto

Prix Pictet, Geneva

Syngenta, Basel


Maphre Foundation, Madrid

Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis & Lausanne

Foundation for Photography and Media Art with the Michael Schmidt Archive, Hanover

Pilara Foundation, San Francisco


Camera – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Turin

Canopia, Madrid/Mexico City

Candlestar, London

Cape Farewell Project, London

Factum Arte, Madrid and London


Sotheby’s, New York

Christie’s, New York

Christie’s, London

Todi Circle X / June 5-10

Geoff Dyer, Author, Los Angeles
Dominique Haim, Collector and Patron, New York
Virginia Heckert, Curator, J. P. Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Sarah Meister, Executive Director, Aperture Foundation, New York
Renée Mussai, Artistic Director Walther Collection, New Ulm & New York
Timothy Persons, Gallerist, Persons Projects, Berlin & Helsinki
Marie Robert, Chief Curator, Photography and Cinema, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Michael Sonnenfeldt, Entrepreneur, Collector and Philanthropist, New York
Anastasia Samoylova, Visual Artist, Miami
David Solo, Collector, New York
Anna Tellgren, Senior Curator & Head of Research, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Sophy Thompson, Publisher & CEO, Thames & Hudson, London


Todi Circle XII 

Lewis Chaplin Co-Founder and Publisher, Loose Joints, Marseille & London; Co-director, Ensemble Bookstore & Gallery, Marseille. 

Marco Delogu Photographer, Publisher; President of the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Rome. 

Diane Dufour Curator; Founder and Co-Director, LE BAL, Paris.

Jeong Eun Kim Director of the Fair T3 Photo Asia Tokyo; Founder & Director of The Reference Seoul; Publisher of IANNBOOKS. 

Mia Fineman Curator of Photography, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 

Lydia Melamed Johnson Executive Director, The Association of International Photography Art Dealers [AIPAD].

Sofia V. Maduro Collector; Chief Programmes Officer, The Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, Florida.

Martin Parr Photographer, Curator and Editor.

Jean de Pomereu Antarctica Geographer, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge; Artist, Curator, Editor and Author.

Lee Shulman Collector, Artist, Filmmaker; Creator of The Anonymous Project, Paris.

Michael Sonnenfeldt Entrepreneur, Patron; Founder and Owner of The MUUS Collection, New York.

Marta Szymanska Curator, Fotofestiwal / International Festival of Photography, Lodz, Poland.

Stephanie H. Tung Byrne Family Curator of photography, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts.
